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Hi, I'm Penne. I'm a wife and mom of three. When I almost died in 2021, I was determine to give my kids all the tools they needed in life, starting in the kitchen. I am an avid foodie and of course, married one. I love to cook and our whole family loves to eat, so I'm teaching my little foodies what I know. We hope that our story and videos inspire others to get their families in the kitchen and make memories.


For the viewers convivence, I share the recipes  we make in the videos on here. I'm not the author of most recipes, so I do give credit where credit is due, be sure to check out the author links.

May you have happy

taste buds and full bellies! 😘

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Lasagna & Nutella Nougat Pie | Homeschool Cooking Class

Check out the video of me teaching my girl's to cook. 😊

Today on our Homeschool Cooking Class, it's a challenge episode! Paige choose Chocolate Peanut Butter Lasagna and Paisley picked Nutella Nougat Candy Bars but we ended up with Pie.

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The sister rivalry is on! Paige loves peanut butter, Paisley doesn't even like the smell. So Paige was drooling when she found this lasagna. It was an awesome mix of chocolate and peanut butter, so fluffy and whipped. I was pumped just reading the ingredients. Very well done. I'm a sucker for Reese's pieces and peanut butter cups, so Paige and I piled them on there. Dripping with yummy sauces. I'm drooling. It's really not complicated Looks intimidating because there are a lot of ingredients, but really quite simple. It's broken down into layers so it makes it less overwhelming, when you realize the layer is easy. Hers was so straight forward compared to her sisters.

Paisley's pie was tough, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. In fact, it wasn't supposed to be a pie at all. It was supposed to be nougat candy bars but things did not go according to plan. So I made an executive decision to ditch the plan. I have never made and will never again make nougats. So let me start by saying the blogger uses grams as measurements and I don't think I have ever measured out grams. Well, I knew I had corn syrup like the recipe calls for, but since it's grams I really didn't think about how much was needed, I just figured, I have some it will be enough. Day of (why I waited until then to do this, I don't know) I convert the grams to cups. I don't know if I did it right, as I learned as I was writing this, that grams and cups don't get along. Grams are a mass unit while cups are a volume unit. So when I converted 670 grams to cups I got 5 1/5 cups. I am certain I did something wrong. But now I'm even more confused because when I went back to figure out what, I got 5 1/2 on, so at least I'm not crazy.

On other conversion websites I got 2 3/4 cups. But I found out that what you are converting also makes a difference. Maybe weighing out grams would have been better, but that still didn't tell me how much I needed. Anyways as we get started with the science experiment, I realized I only have 2 cups and 1 had to go into the egg white meringue. Quickly, I look up what can be substituted. Sugar and water, 4 to 1. I help Paisley dump that into the pot, fight with the cooking thermometer, have her stir/watch it and get back to help Paige. While Paige and I are in the middle of a layer, Paisley watches the corn syrup bubble over and then yells. Ok she watched it raise and by the time she yells, I don't have enough time do do anything about it. I don't know there is much I could have done but it got everywhere! And if you know anything about corn syrup it is sticky like a fly trap.

There were so many disastersest moments this episode. The egg meringue didn't ever get stiff peaks. That probably added to this not setting up. Once everything was added together it was very fluidy. The blogger said to lay it out on parchment paper but ours was in need of sides, so we used a baking sheet. And set it aside. I was loosin in, between all the disasters we had and things just not working like they should, I was barely holding it together. Once the Nutella tray was out of the way, Paige and I got back to the lasagna, after we scrubbed things down. There wasn't much to do on it, just final touches.

The disasters just kept right on coming on day 2. The nougats did not set up at all and it is at this point that I decided to do pie. The nougnats were supposed to be dipped in melted chocolate. Well we over-melted the chocolate, so it balled up and was hard spread. We made graham cracker crust like in lasagna, put a layer of the balled up chocolate and then put put the Nutella mixture inside. Melted more chocolate and poured it over the top. Drizzled chocolate sauce and dabbed a couple shots homemade whipped cream on it. We made a pie.

Moment of truth. It wasn't so much a slice of pie as a spoonful of goop. It had good taste but was very rich. I had to say Paige was the winner by default. Pick something easier next time Paisley!

This episode we're wearing

Get yours!

You made it this far, now get cookin!

Don't forget to check out the video, 👇🏼at the end of the post,

of me teaching my daughters' to cook these recipes.

You'll laugh, 🤣 I promise.

Most of the time the recipes are borrowed and used in the video., at the bottom of this post, to teach my daughters’ to cook. The photos are mine and I change things according to what we did in the video. I post it here for the viewers convenience and encourage you to check out the author, they have more insight on the recipe and lots of other recipes to share. Thank you, Penne 💕

Below are the recipes, the way they worked for us.



2 ¼ cups graham cracker, crumbs

½ cup butter, melted

Peanut Butter Layer

8 oz. cream cheese, room temperature

1 ¼ cup peanut butter, creamy or crunchy

(do not use natural or other too runny types of peanut butter)

1 tsp vanilla

2 cups Cool Whip, thawed

Chocolate Pudding Layer

2 ¾ cups whole milk


3 cups Cool Whip

2–3 tbsp creamy peanut butter, melted


  1. To make the crust, stir together graham cracker crumbs, chocolate sauce and melted butter until all crumbs are evenly moistened. Press the mixture into the bottom of 9 x 13 glass dish. Pace in the freezer while making the filling.

  2. To make the peanut butter layer beat together softened cream cheese, vanilla and powdered sugar. Add peanut butter and mix well. Mix in 2 cups whipped cream. Spread over the crust. Place in the freezer while making next layer.

  3. Whisk together chocolate pudding mix and milk. Spread over peanut butter layer. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes.

  4. Spread whipped cream topping over the pudding layer. Drizzle with melted peanut butter, chocolate sauce and garnish with chopped Reese’s and Reese’s pieces candies.

We botched this one 🤣, so go straight to the author for the recipe. ↑

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Thanks for being a part of our homeschool cooking class. We want to hear from you! Comment below and let us know if you make this recipe and what ya'll thought. We love hearing your favorite parts of our video! Be sure you follow our other social media for our first taste clips, humorous mom life rants and everything in between family & food. Got a recipe you want to see us make? Share it with us!

Stay fabulous and keep smiling,

Penne Pesto Signature


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