Check out the video of me teaching my girl's to cook. 😊
What food were the kids cooking up this episode???
🤤 I'm just gonna go ahead and start this post off drooling. I can't say gnocchi but I can sure eat it! It was so good. The sauce I could put in a water bottle and drink. Okay, maybe not, but it was that good. The sundried tomatoes' and basil really made it, hence the name. I will be making this to wow my friends. It's impressive but so easy to make. Throw everything in a pan for 15 minutes, bam! done! Sadly, there were no left overs. Gnocchi comes in small packs, so I did 2, so as to make sure our whole family get some. We barely did. I could have doubled that and we would have each gotten bigger portions and had left overs.
Things we used in this episode
On the side, I wanted veggies and as usual I wanted a salad type, but not regular salad. So I went for this Tuscan artichoke chop salad. It was okay. We love artichoke. The whole family goes to town on artichoke night. Leaves cover the dinner table, so I thought this would be good. Even with all the extras I added, it was just okay. Canned artichoke are eh. The hearts are good, but they don't cut the tips off the leaves, so there pointy and tough. I wish I had thought to trim them before. Paige mentioned balsamic during cooking and I should have gone with it, would have added some flavor.
One thing I have learned since starting this blogging thing, is to read peoples posts! Usually I just skip though to the recipe but you miss so much helpful information. I just hate all the ads, which is why I'm not going to use them. Do you read through the post? We'll find out!
This episode we're wearing
Get yours!
We want to hear from you! Comment below and let us know if you make this recipe and what ya'll thought. We love hearing your favorite parts of our video! Be sure you follow our other social media for our first taste clips, humorous mom life rants and everything in between family & food. Got a recipe you want to see us make? Share it with us!
Stay fabulous and keep smiling,