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Hi, I'm Penne. I'm a wife and mom of three. When I almost died in 2021, I was determine to give my kids all the tools they needed in life, starting in the kitchen. I am an avid foodie and of course, married one. I love to cook and our whole family loves to eat, so I'm teaching my little foodies what I know. We hope that our story and videos inspire others to get their families in the kitchen and make memories.


For the viewers convivence, I share the recipes  we make in the videos on here. I'm not the author of most recipes, so I do give credit where credit is due, be sure to check out the author links.

May you have happy

taste buds and full bellies! 😘

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French Toast Cinnamon Roll Casserole & Air Fryer Mashed Potato Balls | Family Vlog

Check out the video of me teaching my girl's to cook. 😊

What food were the kids cooking up this episode???

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Well Dad jumped on board, pinning recipes to our Pinterest, of course, Paisley picks the super sugery breakfast casserole. The funny thing is, Dad isn't a sweets kinda guy, so the fact that he put this on the board made me laugh. She asked if we could make the French toast for dinner and I said "sure, why not." Why not, gotta be the fun mom once in a while. I just told her she has to pick something more dinnery for the side. She was so excited to find these mashed potato balls. Man am I glad I got an air fryer! It worked out that Dad wasn't home for dinner, so I didn't have to worry about making him something else on the side.

We actually had fun making dinner. A lot of moving parts but great learning for both of us. The casserole is great for a group. If you have family over for the weekend and want to make a fun breakfast. Mmmmm my mouth is watering just writing this. 🤤 You cut them up with a pizza cutter! 😂 My mom sense we're on point tonight. She had just brushed the casserole dish with melted butter and I told her to put it in the sink when she was done. I knew she was licking the brush without turning around. 🤣 She's a nut case.

Handy Dandy Tools

The mash potato balls are such a a crowd pleaser. If you like mash potatoes, I don't think I've met a person that doesn't 🤔, these will please your taste buds and impress your friends. The recipe called for green onions but I like chives better so I substituted.

Totally random but I notice I was sniffling a lot during this video. It happens a lot in the evening. Since I had the stroke in Sept 2021 I've had a weird issue with my nose and ear. I have talked to numerous doctors and it's not allergies. What happens is my nose will start to itch like I huffed pepper and then my ear plugs. Not like ear wax plug but like cotton ball. And then my nose runs for a hour or two. Only on the right side. I had the stroke on the right side, so I think there's a correlation. I was paralyzed one right side. My neurologist said it was neurological. I have tracked it and usual I'm stressor, overwhelmed or exhausted. The reason I say all of this, is, has anyone ever hear of something like this?

Anyway the mashed potato balls could be cooked different ways, when I saw air fryer on the list I got excited. We are finding mor and more we can do in that thing. They say use left over mash potatoes and I wish I had them, probably firmer and easier to roll. I used the powdered kind because I didn't have any left overs. I'm sure if I used a little less water then it calls for, they would have been firmer but these still tasted amazing. We added diced ham. 🤤

This episode we're wearing

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You made it this far, now get cookin!

Don't forget to check out the video, 👇🏼at the end of the post,

of me teaching my daughters' to cook these recipes.

You'll laugh, 🤣 I promise.

We made changes to the original recipes when we were in the kitchen,

check out the authors and the blog posts with more info about the recipes.

Below are the recipes, the way they worked for us.

We want to hear from you! Comment below and let us know if you make this recipe and what ya'll thought. We love hearing your favorite parts of our video? Be sure you follow our other social media for our first taste clips, humorous mom life rants and everything in between family & food. Got a recipe you want to see us make? Share it with us!

Stay fabulous and keep smiling,



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Paisley, Penne and Paige sitting in the wildflowers

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