Check out the video of me teaching my girl's to cook. 😊
What food were the kids cooking up this episode???
So simple! This soup is easy and even easier in the Instant Pot. If you've read any of my other posts you know I have all 3 sizes and use all of them, all the time. I'm excited because I bought a new mandolin/chopper, it does both and I love it. I used it in this video for the celery and onion. I may never cut an onion again. I can't believe how easy this made choppin up that tear jerker! In the picture it shows an onion on the chopping block and literally the hardest part is getting the skin off. Form this point it's just push down. That's it. I love a good kitchen product.
Get you one or get all 3!
Anyway back to the recipes. I got pre diced up ham, which made things so easy. A lot of times I do recipes like this if I made a spiraled ham. But I hadn't and Paisley picked this recipe so this was next best. Such a great recipe for youngin's to help with. She Peeled potatoes. I just crack up when I see the faces she makes in the videos. She is quite a character.
Let's talk about brains, monkey brain bread to be exact. I think this was the best bread I've had. My mother-in-law was visiting and as soon as we turned off the camera we were pulling it apart! It did almost set my kitchen on fire but it was worth it. All that happened was the butter bubbled over and it got very smoky. Crisis averted.
This episode we're wearing
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We want to hear from you! Comment below and let us know if you make this recipe and what ya'll thought. We love hearing your favorite parts of our video! Be sure you follow our other social media for our first taste clips, humorous mom life rants and everything in between family & food. Got a recipe you want to see us make? Share it with us!
Stay fabulous and keep smiling,